Welcome to the Red Rock Academy, a collaborative X-Men writing game

"No matter who one is, one always gets the choice on what kind of person one is going to be. Always." - Dr. Winston Sinclair

Red Rock Academy for the Gifted was founded in the early 90's by psychiatrist and CIA asset Dr. Winston Sinclair to train young mutants to be productive, responsible, and compassionate members of society. Sitting in seclusion on an expensive estate twenty minutes outside the town of Sedona, Arizona, twenty-four classes of seniors have graduated from this prestigious institution. It seems, however, that its shady origins and the past sins of its founder are coming back to haunt the faculty and students who live there.

The Mutant Intelligence Agency, a covert organization founded by the US Department of Mutant Affairs, has forced the hand of the Headmaster, and now teachers at Red Rock Academy use their special abilities to complete covert operations for the US government when not shepherding their students. Each member of this small community of mutants will eventually have to answer a difficult question: Do the ends justify the means?

The Premise
We all know and love X-Men, a comic book, movie, and television franchise about people who have been outcast from society joining together to stand for what is right. In this game, however, they don't have a choice. Operation Vanguard uses the mutants on the faculty of Red Rock Academy for purposes of national security and, in some cases, for less moral ends. Their missions range from saving people from a natural disaster to government espionage, and the moral grayness of these missions weighs heavily on the conscience of the heroes. The most interesting part for the members of The Vanguard, is that their mission and their existence as a unit is very highly classified, so they can't even get help sorting out their doubts.

This sim explores the possibilities for a team of mutant superheroes who are completely under the thumb of the spooks and spies who seem to really run the country, and who use sometimes even them as their personal secret weapon.

If you’re a creative and active writer who would like to write an overworked teacher who balances spy missions with science lessons, go to our discord server and let us help you create a character today!


Latest Mission Posts

» Secrets Behind the Wall

Mission: Summer's Fading Light
Posted on Sat Jun 15th, 2024 @ 9:43pm by Shelly Foster & Joseph Alo


The drive down to the front gate was smooth and taken in silence while Shelly worked from her tablet in the back seat. The attack in Seattle had of course resulted in nothing but headaches, not the least of which was this one. Agents from the DMA weren’t an…

» Sanctuary

Mission: Summer's Fading Light
Posted on Sat Jun 15th, 2024 @ 9:40pm by Eisa Kallestad & Shelly Foster & Joseph Alo

The helicopter ride had been long and uncomfortable; what had been a sunny afternoon had eventually given way to night and by the time the convoy had landed, everyone was exhausted. She was starving, and allowed herself to be herded along with the other stowaways into some sort of receiving…

» The Rising Storm

Mission: Summer's Fading Light
Posted on Sat Jun 15th, 2024 @ 8:37pm by Eisa Kallestad & Joseph Alo


The lights of police cars flashed brightly in the noon-day sun on the paved sidewalks at the center of the Jefferson Park in Seattle, serving as the outermost barrier for the crowd. Thousands of people, many of them of them obviously mutants, gathered around a large movable stage that…

» Gold Bug

Mission: Summer's Fading Light
Posted on Sat Jun 15th, 2024 @ 8:30pm by Solveig Kallestad & Cornelius Sinclair & McKenna Lockhart


McKenna was never quite at ease with her father around, and her life had been a daily habit of walking on eggshells and being as perfect as possible since she made the decision to live with him. He gave her money and all the things she could want, but…

» The Prodigal Son

Mission: Summer's Fading Light
Posted on Tue May 28th, 2024 @ 8:10pm by Dr. Winston Sinclair & Cornelius Sinclair

The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of Red Rock Academy for the Gifted was generally a relatively routine affair. Established in 2005, the Board was the body which now technically had the final authority in all matters of the Academy’s business, but with three of the original five…