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Posted on Sat Jun 15th, 2024 @ 9:40pm by Eisa Kallestad & Shelly Foster & Joseph Alo
Edited on on Sat Jun 15th, 2024 @ 9:44pm

11,968 words; about a 60 minute read

Mission: Summer's Fading Light
Location: Kohana, Arizona
Timeline: Monday, 8/22/2016

The helicopter ride had been long and uncomfortable; what had been a sunny afternoon had eventually given way to night and by the time the convoy had landed, everyone was exhausted. She was starving, and allowed herself to be herded along with the other stowaways into some sort of receiving area where they were “processed” which thankfully didn’t take long as they only asked for the names of the people and why they were there. She’d of course given some half assed answer about basking in the glory of Tama and that seemed acceptable.

Eisa Kallestad, follower of Tama.


She had been given a basic meal of chicken and rice after her arm had been treated and then driven down to a house where she was told she would be staying. Too tired to argue and it being the middle of the night, she’d exchanged brief introductions with the couple there and immediately gone to sleep in the small but comfortable bedroom provided for her. She didn’t stir until morning and when she did, it was to the smell of food.

Sleepily, she shuffled across the hall into the restroom to do her business and clean up. She didn’t have more clothes, so she had to settle for what she had been wearing. Now a bit more awake she ventured down the hall to find the kitchen and saw her hosts standing there in their ruby colored clothes setting up the table for breakfast.

“Uh… good morning.” She greeted awkwardly.

The kitchen and dinning room were created on an open plan with a counter and stools in between. The counter had several food items waiting on bowls and plates, and a middle-aged man and woman finished their preparations together. When the blonde woman walked in, they both looked at her and smiled brightly, waving their free hands. They had the energy of morning people.

“Good morning, Eisa.” the woman said, shifting over toward the counter and watching the younger woman approach. The room smelled of bacon, and the spread of bacon, eggs, sausage, toast made with homemade bread, orange slices, and jam were a silent explanation of why. “I hope you well back there and were comfortable?”

“Tried to wake you for breakfast, but I didn’t think it worked.” the man said. He had a thick mustache and had the look of a well-educated and professional man. The only difference were his eyes, both of which were a vibrant shade of purple behind his spectacles. “Hope you like bacon..who doesn’?”

“Uh yeah, sorry. I was really tired.” Eisa could only offer a shrug, but looked over and eyed the food with obvious interest. “But yeah I like bacon. Like you said, who doesn’t? Sorry but… what were your names again?”

When she apologized, their smiles grew less intense at the same time. They still looked quite happy, but there was a notable change, almost like she had let a curse word slip in front of children.

“I’m Richard, and this is Jolene.” the man said, seeing completely unsurprised that she had forgotten. He pulled out a stool on her side of the counter and gestured to it. “Sit down then. We can’t wait to eat this food with you. Breaking bread is such a valuable thing.”

“I hope the bed was comfortable for you.” Jolene said, furrowing her brows with seemingly genuine concern. “It’s our daughter’s room, but she’s staying with a friend. That’s why we offered to host last night.”

Eisa could tell she had offended them, but she couldn’t even remotely grasp why or how. Did they really expect her to remember their names when they’d been spoken in hushed voices in the middle of the night while she was so tired she could have probably slept on a rock and been fine?

“Yeah, it was comfortable, thanks. I’ll get out of your hair as soon as I figure out what I’m doing.” She moved to the stool he had pulled out, a bit stiff in the way she moved but she didn’t want to be rude. Not when there was food on the line.

Richard moved back to the other side of the counter and he and Jolene sat on stools opposite her. Both of them started to plate up food for themselves eagerly, their smiles indicating genuine excitement about the process.

“No rush, Eisa. We’re really happy to have you join us on your first morning here. You aren’t a burden in the slightest.” Jolene said. “Besides, your Entry Guide should be dropping by any minute to pick you up.”

“Oh. Okay.” She agreed compliantly enough and reached out to start taking some of the food as well, though largely followed the lead of the couple. Rubbing her eyes, she stifled a yawn and then looked out of the window briefly. “Where is this place anyways?”

The couple looked at each other at that question, seeming confused by it at first.

“The Way Compound, in the Sonoran Desert. Arizona, my friend.” Richard answered, eyeing her with curious confusion. Perhaps she was just tired, and forgot where she was. Licking his lips, Richard raised his hand and Jolene followed suit. “We’re thankful for the food on our table, provided from the Great Balance; planted, watered, fed, raised, reaped, and prepared by mutant hands.”

Jolene smiled, closing her eyes as Richard stated the affirmation, her hand lingering in the air as well.

Eisa wasn’t stupid. When the couple raised their hands she did so as well, and when she noticed the wife close her eyes she followed suit. Giving thanks had never been her thing because there wasn’t much to be thankful for, though as she sat there, she supposed this wasn’t too bad. It was nice to have a hot meal and the bed had been comfortable. She also wasn’t hiding in some sewer or ditch while the cops looked for her.

The couple opened their eyes and immediately grabbed for their forks.

“Eat up, Kid.” Richard said, and forked a huge helping of egg into his mouth. Jolene, on the other hand, grabbed her slice of orange and held it, looking up at Eisa.

“So, what brings you to the base of the Mountain?” she asked with a curious grin. “You’re so beautiful, I can’t believe they didn’t just take you right up to the top.”

Logicially, Tama was at the top of the mountain and judging by what she had seen of the women surrounding him and what Jolene had said, he kept his harem of sluts close at hand for his use. She gave a simple chuckle and shook her head. “That’s sweet of you, but I’m perfectly content where I am. Perhaps I’m simply not the type he’s looking for.”

“Content where you are?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. Going to the top of the mountain was a dream, and they didn’t often see people who didn’t want it. “Well, I suppose that’s something. I don’t really know what he’s looking for. It just seems the really pretty ones get the offer and decide to go. It feels so good to do what Tamma wants.”

Richard, took a huge bite from the bacon next, seeming neither interested nor disinterested in the conversation.

“Well, if you aren’t here to be near Tama, then you must be here to be away from the rest of the world.” Jolene said with a knowing smile. “That’s why Richard came, isn’t it honey?”

Richard nodded and smiled through his food-filled mouth, but didn’t respond verbally or take a second’s pause from his meal. He swallowed hard before looking up at Eisa.

“I’d be more polite, but I’m running a bit late for work.” he said, and then happily went back to his feast. Jolene took a bite of her orange, not minding him.

“Oh, that’s okay.” Eisa said and managed a smile that came a bit easier than usual. She took a few bites of food herself, noticed the wife was basically only messing with her orange, and wondered if she was one of those women conditioned to think that somehow not eating around a man was the ladylike thing or that she should just stick to salads and fruit. Deciding she needed to demure a bit on the subject of Tama, she took a sip of orange juice and then cleared her throat.

“Don’t get me wrong, it would be an honor to join Tama, but I’d never dream of thinking I’d be deserving of being chosen.” She said, channeling her sister.

Jolene smiled, seeming satisfied with the answer. She finished the orange without speaking, but before she could make another statement or ask another question, the doorbell rang.

“There goes the Entry Guide.” she said in a sing-songy voice. “Eat your food though, Eisa. I’m sure they’ll be willing to wait for you.”

Richard moved, mouth full, to get the door, Jolene put a hand on his arm and shook her head.

“No no, Richard. I’ll get it. Eat your food.”

It was said sweetly, but everything between these two was said sweetly, so it said very little. Jolene retreated from the room with a light stride, leaving Eisa sitting with Richard. The man immediately started eating again, and popped his last bite into his mouth. Grabbing a napkin and wiping his hands, he smiled up at her, his aging face relaxed.

“It’s good to have you here, Kid. I really hope you love it. There’s no place like it on Earth.”

“Yeah. So is she gonna eat when she comes back or is this like one of those 90s movies where she makes a whole big breakfast and eats a slice of orange because she’s watching her figure or whatever?” Eisa asked pointedly, lifting a brow at Richard.

Richard seemed confused at first, but then he chuckled and shook his head.

“No no. Jolene just loves meeting new people so much she loses her appetite.” he said, and chuckled again. “You won’t find much of that in women at the base of the mountain. We’re pretty much all the same, unless we don’t want to be.”

Strangely, she didn’t actually feel skeptical about his response, but did still give a shrug at it. She supposed it wasn’t her problem either way.

“Well, have a good day at work.” She offered seeing he had the energy of a man who really wanted to get out of there. She turned back to her food and started to eat with purpose given she was being waited on for some kind of tour.

Richard nodded and made his way for the door. Once he was out of the room, his voice sounded again.

“Hey, Charlie. How ya doin?”

“I feel great, Dr. Wallace. It’s a beautiful day.” Came a young, somewhat tired-sounding male voice. “She in here?”

“Yeah, right through the doorway in the dinning room.” Richard said, and then the screen door opened and closed loudly. A few seconds later, the new arrival walked into the dinning room area.

“Here for Eisa.” He said, walking up behind her and stopping a respectable distance away. “Welcome to the bottom of the mountain.”

“Hi, thanks.” She greeted with a wave over her shoulder. She finished the last bite of bacon off of her plate, washed it down with the rest of her juice, and at least brought her empty plate over to sink and washed both it and her hands and mouth off.

“I’m ready. You’re the uh… Entry Guide, yeah?”

“Yeah..I am.” He said, his eyes resting on her face and his mouth opening slightly. A smile crossed his face, mild, and lacking the energy and vibrancy of joy she’d seen in the older couple whose house they are in. “I’m sure no one’s ever told you before, but you are incredibly beautiful.” He took a step forward and extended his hand. “I’m Charlie.”

“Hey. Eisa, obviously.” She reached out and took his hand, giving it a brief half squeeze and then crossed her arms. Her eyes roamed over his face, but she didn’t think much of him it seemed. “But yeah I get that a lot. Anyways where are we off to?”

“Right right..” he said. He had clearly noticed the look she had given him, but didn’t pay it too much attention. It wasn’t a common reaction where they were, but new arrivals were sometimes a bit off. “There’s a room set up for you in one of the hotels. I’ll take you there and ask you a shitload of questions. Boring, but it’s a job.”

“Oh, okay. I’m just going to be honest with you I don’t have any money. I don’t even have any clothes. I left everything back in Seattle so… if that’s a problem just let me know and I’ll start walking.” She gave a slight chuckle and shook her head.

“That’s cool, Baby. There’s other ways to pay.” He said evenly, smoothly even. Then, after a second, he smiled and laughed. “I’m fucking with you. We don’t want your money, we want you if you want to be here. You’ll get a job and be able to pay your way next month. This first one is basically orientation. I’m going to show you how to follow The Way and become your best self. That’s my job.”

Eisa looked thoroughly less than amused even at the insinuation she might be open to such alternative means of payment, though if it was a general feeling or just because of who was offering wasn’t immediately apparent. “What kind of job, exactly?”

“This is a small city. There’s a thousand things to do. But the important people will tell you that once I figure out what your skills and interests are.” He said. He stopped smiling as she clearly didn’t have much of a sense of humor. So many of the pretty ones lacked that in the world outside the city walls. He wondered how much she might change her mind about all of that when she adjusted to things.

Jolene entered the room with some olive green clothes under her arm. She smiled happily at the two of them.

“Are you getting to know Charlie here? I know he’ll be a great Entry Guide for you. He knows more than the rest of us. That’s what happens when you come down from the top of the mountain.”

She extended the clothes to her and grinned.

“But he’s still a man, and he’ll get your sizes wrong at first. You’re the same as my daughter I think, so you can borrow these.”

“Oh no, no. I wouldn’t want to take your kid’s clothes but thanks. I’ll figure out something.” Eisa gave a slight wave and looked at Charlie. “I’m ready when you are, then.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Wallace. You have a great day.” Charlie said, before gesturing to the living room and the front door. He and Eisa walked together past the well-made wooden door and out onto the concrete slab the house sat on. Outside, the air was crisp and clear and had some of the coolness the morning left in it. They exited into a tightly packed neighborhood with houses roughly the same size and layout as the Wallace Residence packed rather tightly together. A few cars lined the well-maintained street, and there were little flags attached to lovely lamp lights that had the emblem of The Way on them. Desert flowers bloomed in large pots, and it’s clear that people here took pride in the way things looked.

“So let’s be real for a moment. Did you mean to start that shootout with the cops?” Charlie asked as they stepped out onto the clean sidewalk and started down it at a relaxed pace.

“Ah kay, so I’m gonna get blamed for that here. Cool, great. We’re just going to ignore that I saved mentally disturbed tit lady and was trying to diffuse the situation and would have gone with the stupid pigs, but then Big Daddy decided he needed to Superman land in the fray and his own guards shot first. Yep I totally meant to do that.” Eisa replied, crossing her arms under her chest.

Charlie looked at her, utterly confused for a moment. Her volatile response was unexpected, but he was certainly less surprised by it then other people would have been. He turned his eyes back toward the sidewalk and shook his head.

“Holy shit, I didn’t mean to unbalance you over it. I wasn’t even there. I saw some video on TikTok and it just made you look like the center of the whole thing.” He said, turning and looking at two women walking on the other side of the street, one wearing yellow and the other green. He looked back at her then and frowned. “Tit lady?”

“Do you believe everything you see on the internet?” She challenged and rolled her eyes. “Some stupid bitch decided to flash her tits at Tama and that was the excuse the police needed to disrupt the whole thing.”

“Jeez, calm down. It’s not like women flashing their tits is anything new. Who cares?” He asked, his voice having a slight hint of bite to it, but far from aggressive. He had noticed a woman with her shirt up in the video, but he had hardly understood that was an important detail. “And it’s obvious those fucking pigs started it when they pointed their guns at you. Psychos.”

“Uh… the law? That’s called indecent exposure.” Eisa eyed the man. “The police point their guns at everything now because they are a bunch of scared, undisciplined fuck ups on a power trip.”

Charlie looked at her like she was stupid and shook his head.

“It’s not fucking illegal to flash your tits.” he said as if the idea were funny. He looked over to the women across the street, winked, and pretended to lift his white shirt, which he wore under a casual brown, short-sleeved shirt which displayed his vascular, strong arms. The girls grinned at him and then looked at each other for social confirmation, then lifted their shirts together. Charlie grinned at them passively and gave them a thumbs up before looking back at Eisa. “See, who cares? Like half the world has tits. Want to see mine?”

“Yeah how long have you been on this mountain, buddy?” Eisa asked, not seeming particularly put off by the display of flesh herself.

“No no, we’re at the foot of the mountain. We’re not on it.” he corrected, wagging his finger at her comically. “The mountain is for Tama and the Chosen. But I have lived at the foot of the mountain since I was twelve. And even when I was a little kid, there were tits. Tits can’t be illegal, and the cops need to get their heads out of their asses.”

“Didn’t Joyce specifically say you came down from the mountain earlier?” Eisa asked, side eyeing him. He had a very punchable face; she didn’t have the urge to do so, but she did notice it.

He eyed her eyeing him, raising his eyebrows as if he were somehow surprised by the question. He kicked his legs a bit more as he walked as a method of self-entertainment.

“It’s Jolene.” he corrected, and then added like an afterthought, “and yeah, she did say that.”

“Whatever. So were you up at the top of the mountain for a time?”

“Yeah, I was. Since there was a top of the mountain, actually.” He said, turning them left down another side street. It was fairly obvious he wasn’t being very forthcoming. “But boys have to come down when they’re 12. Girls normally do too if they want to go to school.”

“So what, are you Tama’s kid?” She asked, eyeing him and looking for any resemblance. Of course Tama didn’t look old enough to be this man’s dad, but mutants were mutants. Tama could have been a thousand years old.

“Wouldn’t that be crazy?” He asked with a wink, but gave no further response to the question. “We’re coming up a main road where the hotel is. I figured you might prefer to have a walk and see the city of Kahana instead of driving around in a car.”

“Is it common for people here to avoid answering questions? Afraid you might get struck by lightning or something?” She asked, eyeing him and less than impressed by his avoidance. “Really I’d just feel sorry for you. I’ve been in that position too. Well, actually I wasn’t, but I have siblings that were. Gotta shove the offspring away and get mom ready to breed again.”

“My mom lives down here too. She’s just busy as hell and didn’t have any time for me. That’s why I’m such a lovable goof, I guess.” He said, though he looked at her with curious eyes, not bothering to address his dodge from earlier. “Your mom was bred to make you? That’s fucked up.”

“Did she get too old and wrinkly to be considered one of Tama’s fine little flowers anymore?” Eisa asked, ignoring his statement as well. “Are all the girls his daughters then? It would explain why there’s older women there.”

“All the Chosen girls under 18 are his daughters. Women don’t get called up before they’re adults.” He said, then he looked at her. “I would have thought you’d be at the top of the list, but it sounds like you kinda hate Tama.”

The statement was delivered with an obvious lack of judgment. He may have been the only one there who would respond that way.

“I guess you don’t like cult leaders with a harem of beautiful women and hordes of ecstatic followers who are obsessed with him? And, if not, what the hell are you doing here?”

Eisa blinked at that, surprised the boy actually admitted it was a cult. Maybe Junior had a bigger chip on his shoulder than he let on that Daddy got to fuck all the pretty girls. She brushed her beautiful golden hair behind her shoulder and smirked at him, crossing her arms. “Did I hit a nerve?”

“No one cares less than me, Eisa.” He said as they reached an impressively beautified main road. They turned right and started past a series of low rise buildings. “Anyway, my job is to orient you. There are many jobs like it, but this one is mine.”

Eisa’s sharp blue eyes moved over the scenery before her. It was nice here, and it felt nice here she had to admit, it was disarming in a way but she wasn’t about to let her guard down. “Many like it but… was Tama a marine at some point?”

“Hmm?” He asked, looking at her. “I don’t think so. What makes you ask that?”

“No reason.” She said though she was chuckling as if there was a joke there. “Anyways, my condolences for the fucked up family. I know that’s not easy.”

The street had been quite busy and full of happy-looking people of every race and appearance, all wearing every color but blue, gold, or white. They arrived at the parking lot of a rather fancy-looking hotel. There were a few cars in the parking lot, but the activity outside made it seem full.

He turned to her and smiled. “I never said my family was fucked up, crazy girl. It’s 2016, don’t you all have busy moms out there in the world?”

“My mom is dead.” She said simply. “And I don’t really think you’re stupid enough to think it's about your mother being busy in the slightest. If you are well… must be nice living in a lala land.”

“Gosh, you are so mean.” He said, shaking his head. He seemed completely unhurt, but he did marvel a bit at it. “Sorry your mom’s dead. Was it recent?”

“Everyone is mean, I just don’t pretend to hide it.” She shrugged. “She died like a month ago I guess. It’s whatever, I hadn’t seen her in eight years.”

“Everyone here is nice.” He said, matter-of-factory, pulling the nearest glass door open and standing aside so she could walk into the lobby first. “You’re the only person to insult me since a homeless man snuck in a few weeks ago. Just you and a homeless man.”

“Did I insult you?” She asked and walked into the lobby, immediately looking around and taking in the immediate area. Like everything else, it was nice and clean; nothing high quality - that was probably all up at the top of the mountain.

Charlie entered after her and walked up to the counter. Stepping up to a young woman with dirty blonde hair, he smiled.

“Hi, Charlie.” She said, smiling and turning her head as her hand went to her hair.

“Hey, Jenna. Got a new arrival here.” He said , and gestured to the girl standing next to him.

The blonde’s mud brown eyes drifted to Eisa and lingered on her face. She smiled, but the expression was slightly delayed.

“Welcome to the Arison. And welcome to Kohana. Just let me take a look in our system and see what we have available. There are tons of tourists visiting, but what else is new?”

“Tourists? You actually allow tourists up here?” Eisa asked, sounding genuinely surprised for once since she came here. “That seems incredibly dangerous.”

The two of them looked at her curiously, then Jenna turned to her screen while Charlie responded.

“”If they’re mutants, we typically let them in.” He said, placing his hands in his pockets. “The Security Force processes them, and they don’t fuck around, as you know . Why would it be dangerous?”

The beautiful blonde just looked between the two and lifted her hands as if to surrender the point. She had once thought she herself had lived a sheltered life, but it was nothing compared to these people it seemed. “I don’t really need anything special as far as a room. The cheaper the better.”

“It’s all squared away by Entry. No need to worry.” Jenna said, and then raised a room card to give it to Eisa. “Room 116.”

“Thanks.” She said and took the key, looking at Charlie then. “So are we all done or is there more?”

“I need to get some basic information from you.” He said, and gestured to the tables in the next room where breakfast was being cleaned up by some of the employees. “Let’s go in here and have a seat so I can ask you some questions, you sly devil.”

Eisa wondered if he thought he was charming - maybe that worked for him down here though. People here seemed very sheltered after all. “Yeah, alright.”

She agreed and followed after him to one of the clean tables, taking a seat and immediately leaning the chair back on the back two legs. “So what do you need to know? Bust, Hips, Waist? My cup size?”

“That’s not on my list, but you can tell me that if you want.” He said with a chuckle, lowering himself into a chair opposite her and pulling out his iPhone.

“I figured it was required for Papa.” She replied, watching him as he sat down while she picked under one of her nails. “So what exactly do you need to know then, hm?”

“You know, they say we’re all Tama’s children? All mutants. And I never said he was my father.” He responded, looking into her clear blue eyes. “Okay, the first question is easy: why do you want to live as a resident of Kohana?”

“Well, who wouldn’t want to live in a peaceful mutant colony as a mutant? Really, it’s what I’ve always wanted. Yeah maybe there’s a few things I could do without but nowhere is perfect. This might be the next best thing though.” She said and smiled slightly.

Charlie typed on his phone quickly, nodding quietly. “Guess it can get pretty rough for us out there still. There’s no better place for mutants, for sure. All those things aside.”

“Yeah, the outside world isn’t all that great for us, and the current president is even considered to be pro-mutant.” She shrugged and looked away, starting to look around a bit more. It actually was a nice place. “Anyways, what next?”

“I need to take some notes on your background for our records. I can tell you have an accent, so I assume you’re from a different country?” He asked.

“Norway.” She replied, not seeming offended that he had picked up on her accent. Unlike her sister who had worked to speak without it being so present in her voice, Eisa had never done such a thing. People could learn to understand her or they weren’t worth her time.

“And your parents? Were they mutants? Did they encourage you to develop your abilities?”He raised his head again and looked at her. He was aware there was some strange breeding where she was from. It was funny to him that most of the world would have expected that kind of thing from followers of Tama. In truth, it was nothing like that. People in Kohana came to the foot of the mountain on purpose, and left when they wanted. It was a damn odd place, but nothing like the world expected.

“My parents were both mutants, yes.” She replied and crossed her arms under her chest, obviously not looking to answer the rest of that question. He didn’t need to know more about the matter than he already did.

“Ooo, the mysterious type.” He said, nodding. “Fine. What are your abilities and how much have you developed and learned to control them?”

“Why does that matter, exactly?” She asked, finally looking back at him with a slight scowl on her face. “I’m a mutant, isn’t that enough?”

“No, we have a society here.” He said with a grin. “The next question is about your schooling and talents. Personnel needs to know what you do so that they can decide where you’re needed. Also, if your power is generating diseases or blowing shit up, we like to know that going in. Normally people are asked at the gate, but you’re a special case.”

“I can control electricity well enough that I haven’t killed anyone. I didn’t have any formal schooling.” Eisa gave a wave of her hand, almost dismissive of his questions.

“Well what about elementary or high school?” He asked, watching the waving of her hand and then looking at her, waiting for an explanation.

“No, like I said, no formal schooling.” She repeated, looking at him and lifting a brow. She was surprised that it would be an oddity here in a place like this.

“Ummm….okay, well I don’t want to sound like an asshole here, but you know how to read and do math, right?” He asked, looking at her with his own brow quirked.

“Yeah, of course. We were taught the basics in life but if you’re going to try to start asking me about advanced math or physics or chemistry, you’re going to be out of luck.” She shrugged, not seeming particularly ashamed of it but still aware it was certainly a hurdle to overcome it.

“Who taught you that?” he asked, turning his head curiously. It didn’t seem like an official question, but he was following the line of questioning where it naturally went.

“Your mother.” Eisa replied flatly and looked at him. “What do you want me to do, read something to you? Math? Three and three makes six, add three more and it is nine. That sign over there says ‘dining room’.”

“Talented and witty, I like it.” he said, chuckling. To his credit, he did seem genuinely amused when she was mean and hadn’t seemed bothered in the slightest. “You’re a riot. I love how defensive and cagey you are. You’re like a unicorn here.” he shook his head and chuckled again. “I kinda want to study you.”

“Study me, hm?” She asked, lifting a brow and eyeing him now a bit more critically. “Is that your thing when you aren’t giving tours?”

“Yes, of course. I’m a scientist. Can’t you tell?” he asked with a small grin, then he turned his eyes back to the phone in front of him. “Do you harbor any resentment toward mutant-kind, the City of Kohana and its inhabitants, the United States government, or Tama himself?”

Eisa didn’t seem expressly amused by his dismissal and eyed him critically for another long moment. “Absolutely not, no, they can go fuck themselves, and I don’t know the guy.”

“So, if Tama told you to eat your own shit, I take it you would politely decline?” he asked, having lowered his voice a bit in the relatively crowded lobby. It hadn’t become a whisper, but he made it quiet enough that no one would hear unless they were trying to. “Request denied then, I guess.”

“Oh well damn. That’s too bad but I gotta stand by my own limits and morals. I’m not really into the whole shit sucking thing.” She lifted her hands up in a dramatic shrug.

“You wouldn’t know unless you tried.” He stated, then looked down at his phone again. “Any special skills or work experience?”

“No. I worked as a cashier for a while when I was younger.” She shrugged slightly. “But nothing special otherwise.”

He nodded and made note of what she said without another word. When he was done, he turned his screen off and slipped his phone back into his pocket.

“So,” he started, “you have any questions for me?”

“Probably, but I don’t think you’d answer any of them since you haven’t answered much anyways, so I’ll just skip that part. Do you have like a flier or a manual I need to read to figure out the rules here or whatever?” She asked and finally sat forward in her chair.

“What questions haven’t I answered? You mean the ones about my personal life? Yeah, I’m weird about that. But it’s literally my job to orient you to the City.”

“Yeah, but those are the most interesting ones.” Eisa shrugged. “What else do you feel is important to tell me then, I guess?”

“I’m glad you find me so fascinating. It get a bit weird when I talk about my past around here. People here are free, but everything here revolves around Tama. Almost no one in this city has ever even been to the top of the mountain. The only person who travels up every day is the Secretary. People are dying to know what’s going on up there.”

In the background people in the lobby, employees of the hotel included, seemed to take a particular interest in the glass windows that provided a view of the main road. People started whispering to each other, and then, group by group, they all started making for the front door. Despite even the cleaning staff moving to leave, Charlie leaned back in his chair and watched them go. He looked at her and gave her a curious look.

“Don’t want to miss your first drive through.”

“My first what?” Eisa asked, her own eyes following the staff curiously then moving back to Charlie when they were out of her eyeline.

“Every weekday, Tama takes a car from the mountain and drives by. It gives people a chance to see him, wave at him, and cum in their undies. Sometimes he gets out and passes flowers to the children.”

“Oh.” Eisa’s expression scrunched slightly at the notion and then she shrugged. “Well if you want to go say hi to daddy don’t let me stop you.”

“You don’t want to see?” he asked, looking at her with a raised brow. He seemed genuinely suspicious then, and despite his offer and challenge, he didn’t move a muscle.

Her eyes moved back out toward where the staff had disappeared again. The truth was she was curious, but her initial instinct was to stay far away from large groups of mutants - humans didn’t like large groups of mutants. They’d seen that just yesterday. Still, this place was supposedly safe and despite its oddities, she couldn’t deny it felt calm here… safe in its own way. She reached her hand up and immediately winced, having forgotten the wound on her arm but she didn’t stop the motion and ran her hand through her golden hair.

“Ah hell, why not.” She said and stood then, wandering toward the exit and just assuming he would follow.

The pair made their way out of the glass doors and through the parking lot where a parade seemed to be about to take place. Both sides of the street were lined with people. Laughter, chatter, bright conversations, and the sound of singing could be heard coming from the street. People wore clothing of all kinds there of such variety that it matched what one would find in the outside world. The only difference was that the garments were every shade except white, blue, or gold. Other than the absent shades and some people with rather obvious physical mutations, the gathering seemed perfectly normal.

“Yes, Tama, Yes.” came the lyrics of the song being song by an adorable gathering of elementary age children standing on the margin of the street. Charlie and Eisa approached the line of people and stepped into a gap so that they were right in front. Charlie smiled then, looking at her almost apologetically, and started singing the camp-like song along with the children, clapping his hands with the entire gathering.

Eisa noticed the way Charlie looked at her and it made her frown and consider him very briefly, but it soon gave way to the energy of the crowd. She followed the way they were all looking, she fought hard not to focus in too much; it was something Solveig had always been more comfortable with. Instead, she simply closed her eyes for a moment to control herself and feel the energy of the crowd. There was an electric feeling in the air that she was almost certain she could harness if she wanted to. On opening her eyes again, she saw the white Rolls Royce slowly rolling down the road and the notably more exuberant crowd near it. The man certainly had expensive taste.

The cheering and singing grew louder closer to the car, and the huge man sitting in the back seat could be more clearly seen as he approached. Some were jumping up and down, but no one was falling down in worship or doing anything they wouldn’t do for a celebrity who came to town. When the car reached the children, all of who were jumping up and down and singing so loudly it had devolved to blatant screaming, the car came slowly to a stop and a man stepped forward to pull the back door open.

Tama Joseph Alo stood seven feet tall, and towered over everyone in the crowd. Beyond that, he was large and strong, and his perfect white robe with gold lacing was identical to the one he had shredded to assist Eisa with her gunshot wound the day before. Waving and smiling with loving eyes, he approached the children and knelt on the ground in front of them. A woman in a long blue dress approached him with a basket full of white roses. Kneeling next to Tama, she extended the basket to him and the leader started passing them out to each child individually. Each one would hug him after they received their flower, and he seemed genuinely happy about it.

The crowd immediately devolved into coos and aw’s over the children interacting with Tama. Women were especially taken in by the display, and some were outright blushing over it with the thoughts that had obviously entered their minds. As Eisa looked around a bit more, she noticed that many of the women had made themselves up and were trying to look their best. She wondered if he used these little jaunts to select his newest sluts. She thought about asking Charlie, but he seemed to not be paying attention to her anymore and he probably wouldn’t have answered her anyways.

She watched Tama give flowers to the children and it did paint a sweet picture, she supposed. She had never thought too much about children, really, but they were innocents and needed to be loved and protected, it seemed they were here.

After he was done passing out flowers to the children, Tama stood again and turned his attention to the waiting crowd. As he approached them, another woman in her early to mid 40s with short blonde hair approached him. The way she moved indicated a certain familiarity along with deference similar to what most women in blue would show, but instead of a lovely dress, she wore a white pants suit and a royal blue silk blouse. Around her neck, on her fingers, and around her wrists were white diamonds, an expensive watch and other signs of wealth and favor. She smiled at Tama, bowing her head slightly. She said something in his ear as the crowd celebrated around her, and Tama nodded and turned as if to walk back to the car. But, as he turned, he noticed something, and his eyes settled on Eisa and Charlie specifically. His gaze lingered for several seconds, before he started approaching.

The cheering around them was loud already, but as Tama approached, it became truly deafening. Eisa actually grimaced and glanced over her shoulder back to the hotel, but there were too many people now to get back there without causing a scene, so once again she found herself stuck in the crowd. As she looked toward Tama approaching, she could feel the excitement settling in and warring with the anxiety of being in a crowd, but with each step he took she found that anxiety becoming less.

She didn’t smile at him, she didn’t cheer, but she did look him in the eyes. There was no defiance nor unwelcoming expression, but the steadiness of her gaze and body communicated strength.

He extended a rose to her and smiled, his eyes resting on her features. He seemed completely unfazed by the cheering and the loud noises. He seemed perfectly calm in the face of the crowd; perfectly balanced and in control.

“You’ve made it to Kohana, brave one.” He said in a deep voice, gravely and almost untamed.

Eisa couldn’t deny the man was incredibly attractive up close. She hadn’t really taken much notice the day before but it was impossible to not notice now. There was almost a natural urge to reach out and touch him and perhaps had she been another woman, she might have given in. She didn’t demure, her eyes didn’t leave his. She was acutely aware all eyes were on her now with unspoken expectation that while she didn’t know what it was for sure, she could make an educated guess from what she had seen.

She reached out to take the rose from him and when her fingers brushed against his, Tama would be able to feel an electric tingling sensation from her touch.

“Thank you, Tama. You honor me,”

Tama smiled as the blonde woman in the suit stepped up beside him. She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes, as she looked at the young woman.

“I recognize you from the news.” She said calmly in a voice that sounded friendly. “I’m happy to see you decided to come home to Kohana. You made quite a splash. Is Charlie here your entry guide?”

Eisa was easily able to pull her eyes from Tama and look at the woman. She didn’t answer right away and instead considered her; lovely but aged, though still obviously shown favor by the fact she was dripping in riches. Perhaps she had been the first - the favorite. “Yes, he is.”

She looked at Charlie who, for his part, looked rather uncomfortable. She reached up and grabbed his chin, the gesture somewhat controlling and appraising.

“Don’t fill her head with your ideas, Charles.” She said with a smile. “And maybe try to keep it in your pants until a month in, hmm?”

The crowd around them all laughed, but Charlie looked rather unhappy and Tama seemed quite in tune with the younger man’s feelings on the matter.

“There are agents from the Department of Mutant Affairs trying to get in here at the front gates right now.” The woman said, looking back to Eisa. “They’re asking to speak to Tama, which is obviously unacceptable, but they’re also asking for you by name.”

“Yeah, for the record, he’s been a great guide.” Eisa practically snorted at the woman on seeing her treatment of Charlie. He had a punchable face and he was annoying, but he was also clearly uncomfortable with what was happening.

“What do you want me to do, go? Fine. I’ll go. Can I get a ride?” She asked flatly and pointed over to the Rolls.

“That’s not my car.” The woman said, her smile seeming more genuine the second Tama smiled with her. “Mine is over there in the parking lot if you’d like to come along. You don’t have to, of course. I’m very practiced at telling the DMA to go to hell all on my own.”

“I mean, I figured it wasn’t, but I thought I might ask for a nice thing before I get the boot.” Eisa lifted her hands in a shrug, once still holding the rose. “I didn’t come here to put people in danger. I can go with them and I’ll figure it out myself. Always have.”

Tama shook his head, grinning as he would at a particularly beloved person.

“I will never let them touch a hair on your head.” He said with such conviction that it might convince his worst enemy. “Stay here. Shelly will handle the situation.”

After one more winning smile, he reached out, placed a huge hand on Charlie’s shoulder, and then moved to hand out roses to other people in the crowd as the singing and cheering swelled again.

Eisa watched him go, feeling warm from the sentiment the man projected but also terribly confused. Once he was well enough away, she inched up to Charlie, now finding him probably the most normal person here now and that was certainly saying something. “So uh… can we go back in now?”

Charlie turned to her and nodded quietly. It was nothing new as far as experience went, but he still wasn’t in love with the experience.

“Yeah, let’s go.” He said somewhat soberly. When they were in the parking lot and far away enough to really hear each other, he sighed. “I guess the cat’s out of the bag all the way on that one, huh?”

“Yeah, pretty safe to say so. Still kicked you out at twelve though, eh?” She asked and crossed her arms, looking at him a bit more sympathetically now.

“One minute I had twenty mothers, and the next I just had her.” He answered looking over his shoulder at the older blonde getting into her blue car. They walked through the doors of the hotel and past the empty desk. He started them to her room.

“No offense, but kinda seems like she doesn’t like you very much.” Eisa pointed out and followed him down the hall much more willingly, taken by her curiosity more than anything.

“She likes Tama. She likes work. She likes birth control. Me, she could take or leave..” He said with a shake of his head. “Welcome to Kohana.”

He stopped at room 116 and stood aside. She had the room key card, so there was little he could do but wait.

“Oops baby, then?” She asked and pulled out the card immediately and slid it into the door. Of course it didn’t read right away and she had to do it two more times before she found the pace that made the machine happy and the door opened. “Is he actually your dad? Like, bullshit he’s everyone’s dad thing aside - is he?”

“My theory is I’m an oops baby for him. I think she meant it.” He said, grinning and stepping into her room first. It was a relatively nice room, but clearly nothing like a penthouse sweet. “And yeah, that’s dear old dad. He’s really a great guy if you don’t count kicking you out when you’re 12 and fucking all your pretty friends after taking to a place where you’ll never see them again.”

He chuckled and sat down on the single large bed.

“He loves me a lot in that way, ya know?”

Eisa looked around the room, noting the large bed and the small desk area, there was even a dresser with a television. She took a few steps back to glance into the bathroom and the closet - honestly it was a lot nicer than anywhere else she had stayed lately, and she would be more comfortable here than in someone else’s house.

“Oops baby for him? Like… do you mean specifically with her? I’d imagine he’d have dozens of brats running around.” She paused and thought about it. “Uh, no offense.”

“None taken. Everyone is on the pill around here. This is a pro sex movement. I’m surprised we haven’t seen anyone literally doing it in the street today. I have a brother and a sister, and that’s all.”

“Okay so he has kids, just not a million.” She thought about it for a moment and brought her hand up to her chin. “Honestly, I’m really surprised by that. Usually this kind of… thing comes with the guy just shooting babies into as many women as possible. Or at least trying to.”

“He’s picky. To his credit, the women throw pussy at him like he’s paying them millions for it. I’ve had bad experiences. Let’s just leave it at that.” He said, looking at her as she stood in front of him.

“Are you okay? Do you need to like… get out of here?” She asked suddenly and frowned as she looked at him.

“This room is fine.” He said with a shake of his head. “There’s a mini fridge too, by the way. And it’s all on the government dime for your first month. If I were you, I’d save it for after your first weekly festival. You are going to have mixed feelings.”

“Weekly festival?” Eisa moved to take a seat at the chair in front of the desk and left him on the bed alone.

“It’s the meditation journey that makes this place what it is. Thousands of people visit and this place turns into one big party that resembles my childhood.” He said, seeming cam. “You like to meditate, right?”

“Might be sitting that one out.” Eisa shrugged. “That’s not really my thing and sounds like a super boring party.”

He laughed and shook his head.

“You should come. Just make sure you bring a change of underwear. Meditation at the base of the mountain is a unique experience.”

“Uh… what?” She blinked at him. “The hell do you think meditation is?”

“I refuse to tell you any more. I just demand to be sitting next to you when it’s happening.” He said, smiling. “I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”

“Hell no. You answer me about what the fuck you are talking about or I’m not going.” Eisa crossed her arms defiantly and stared Charlie down. She didn’t like the sound of any of what he had just said in the slightest, and his smile and cagey answer was only adding to that.

“You know, I can’t decide if you’re no fun at all.” He said, looking over at her. “Tama’s teachings on spiritual balance relate to pleasure, obviously. Meditation tends to be a bit more entertaining here than other places.” He explained, and looked at her. “Personally, I’ve never met a woman who wanted to leave after the weekend.”

“So is it just some kind of giant orgy?” She asked, frowning and shaking her head. “Yeah that’s not really my thing but thanks. I’ll just hang out in here.”

“I didn’t say that.” He said, looking at her like she was being a bit oblivious. “Look, do what you want. It’s your life. But you’ll be the only person who isn’t there, and people will start to notice that.”

“Whatever, not the first time I’d been the town weirdo.” She frowned this time and looked away, crossing her arms in a defensive gesture.

“Okay, well sure.” He said. “I’d recommend you have an open mind. It’s a great place to live, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything out there.”

Ordinarily, he would show his charges around a bit more and help them adjust, but he seemed to be grating on her for some reason. Maybe some time in Kohana would help her adjust more than he would be able to.

“I’m sure you want to be by yourself to think.” He said, seeming a bit disappointed. He thought about standing up, but decided to remain seated and not signal some intention to leave prematurely.

“Have you ever actually been out there?” She asked, not responding to him nor prompting him to leave the room. She did kind of want to be alone, but also not really.

“I was born out there. We traveled all over the place when Tama was speaking, and the non-mutants treated us like shit. Sometimes, we were living town to town and had nothing. We were turned away from hotels and restaurants. The whole standard story.” He said with a nod, trying a bit to read her. “And what happened to you all yesterday is a good enough reminder for me.”

“So how the hell did you all end up… well, here?” She asked and gestured with her hands. “You went from nothing to this in… how many years?”

“When you have a mom who is a planning genius and a dad who is an Uber-charismatic would-be revolutionary, finding ways to get donations from people gets a bit easier.” He started to tell her. “People would meet my father, literally decide to follow him, and then basically handed over their entire wallet to us. We went from sleeping in a van to moving into a house here in Kohana. Then my parents would buy other houses in the town and have our people move in. Eventually, the originals wanted to sell to get rid of us, so the Way just bought every house that was here.”

Eisa listened with keen interest as Charlie began to give real information about the compound and its history instead of just touting how perfect it was. Her intelligent blue eyes lingered on his face and finding him less offensive now that she knew even a little more about him. “Is your mother a mutant?” She paused and then added, “Are you?”

“We couldn’t be here if we weren’t.” Charlie said with a shrug. “The Way is a movement for mutants for the transformation of the world. People who are born here without the x gene are adopted to non-mutant families at birth, or parents can decide to leave with them. It’s kind of brutal, but it keeps us pure.”

“Okay… so what’s really with the kicking you and any other boys out at twelve? You’re his kid - like actual no questions kid.” She noted and frowned.

“There’s no schooling or children our age up there. We’re tutored until we start school at Dagon, the city’s prep school for apprenticeship or the work force. It’s a boarding school, technically. But, on top of that, Tama’s the only man on the mountain outside a security outpost and a garage.” He answered. “I liked Dagon and being with other people my age, but it means I can’t go back up there.”

“Uh… is daddy afraid of sharing his bitches with hormonal teenagers?” She asked and quirked a brow.

“Daddy’s an exalted being, and is allowed to make his own rules.” He said with a smile. “He balances his tremendous masculine energy with 22 women. Children can ride, but men can’t. His daughters can stay though.”

“Twenty-two. Jesus.” Eisa shook her head. “I’ll take that as a yes though; territorial. Good to know I guess.” By the look on her face though, Eisa seemed to think the entire notion was rather ridiculous. Still she supposed it gave the woman a feeling of safety and security - they certainly were kidding themselves if it made them feel special though.

“So how many actual kids does he have besides you then with all twenty-two of his women - I am assuming some of them like your mother got put out to pasture when they showed one single wrinkle or a saggy tit.”

“He doesn’t sleep with all of them, I don’t think. But I wouldn't really know.” He answered and then chuckled at her statement. “What makes you think Shelly’s been put out to pasture?”

“The ones that look like they suck his dick for air are twenty to thirty. Shelly is still in love and utterly devoted, but she was cast off for the younger crowd. Maybe she still gets a little pickle tickle now and then but I’ve got doubts when he has enough hot girls to fuck three of them a day a week with no breaks and that still leaves one of them out in the cold and dickless.” Eisa noted and started opening the drawers of the dresser.

“Shelly is the most powerful person here besides him, and don’t we all know it.” He said, rolling his eyes. “She never stayed up there all the time, but she goes up every day. I think maybe you should wait a little while and see. You’ll know better when you go up.”

“I’m not surprised she didn’t stay, probably hard to watch the love of your life decide you alone weren’t good enough and keeps bringing women hotter than you are up to his bed. Most women with an ounce of self worth and respect wouldn’t do it.” She shrugged.

“Anyways I’m not going up the mountain. Afraid you’re stuck with me.” She handed him the rose Tana had given her and gave him a wink.

“You really don’t know those two. There’s no jealousy here. She knew exactly what the situation was from the beginning. She works nonstop, so she can’t stay up there.” He said, lifting his eyebrows. It was normal for people not to understand anything that happened around Tama. “I saw the way you were looking at him in that line. I know what’s going on already. Seen it happen once.”

“Oh and what’s that, exactly?” She asked with bite and challenge in her voice. She let the subject of his parents go, quite confident he actually knew nothing but what he had been fed which was of course the picture of the happy concubine and her man.

“You’ve got that look in your eyes again.” He said, shaking his head. “Never mind, I’m being an ass. You’re an individual with an independent mind. No one here has ever been like you.”

“No, don’t be like that, I’m not stupid enough to believe that line for a second. So finish what you were going to say.” She prompted him.

“Why does it seem like you don’t believe anything I have to say so far?” He asked, grinning in that amused way he often did. “I tell you you won’t go, and you don’t believe me. I tell you’ll go, and you won’t believe me.”

“How about you just tell me what you were getting at and you let me decide?” She pressed, attempting some semblance of patience with him but it was certainly difficult for her.

“I saw the way you looked at him, and we’ll see.” He said, standing up then, clearly not intending to say anymore.

“Listen, I’m not blind, the man is a man and he is hot, but as surprising as it might be to you, that’s honestly not enough for me.” She shrugged at him and watched him stand. “Thanks for the help and showing me around a bit. I’m sure you’ve got places to be so I won’t keep you.”

“I know that’s not enough for you.” He said with a nod. “Never said it was. You get to write your own future. All of us do, and I wouldn’t ever try to take that away from you.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone again. Touching the keys in silence. For a few seconds, she would receive a notification on her own device.

“We have one entry at a time, so you’re my work. I’m going to let you settle in, and then maybe I can grab you for some food in a few hours, if you want.”

“Yeah, maybe, or maybe you can enjoy a day off and go hang out with your friends. I’m pretty tired and these clothes are gross so I’ll have to figure that out.” She ran her hand through her hair and looked away from him.

“The clothing shops in the city have everything, as long as you don’t need to wear blue. The problem is money, of course. There’s a credit card with a $1,600 limit. That is meant to get you through the month. The hotel is provided as well, and they serve better breakfast than any other place, since all food here is local.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a red card, reaching it out to her.

“I do need to see you at least once a day though. It’s an easy job, which is why they hired me to do it.”

“Why can’t I wear blue? It’s my favorite and best color.” She said, her expression scrunching slightly as she took the card and turned it over in her hand.

“Blue signifies one of the Chosen. You can technically wear what you want, but you won’t be able to buy it here and people will assume..ya know.” He explained. “Doesn’t sound like you want that.”

“Yeah no, pass. I’ll figure it out.” She pocketed the card and looked at him again. “What’s your gift anyways? I told you mine.”

Charlie opened his mouth to answer the question, but decided it was always easier to show than to explain. He reached out and touched her arm, then moved his hand so fast that it caused her arm to vibrate. He seemed to have a high degree of control over it, and smiled when he released her.

“Super speed. I can run pretty fast too. Really, I can do everything fast. And then…”

He took two steps back and balled his fists. His face tightened as the skin under his forearms tightened, and two long metal, sword-like claws extended out about a foot and a half past his fists. There was no blood associated with it, and he seemed to heal around them very quickly.

“And that fucking hurts.” He said in a comically casual way.

“Oh you’re surely a popular one with the women with that vibrating deal.” Eisa chuckled and shook her head, now perhaps understanding the comment Shelly had made to her son more. “But yeah that looks like it hurts. Put those away.”

She extended her hand out to him.

“Oh, yeah, the girls love being stabbed to death.” He said jokingly, admitting nothing. “And Shelly is a bitch. So there you go.”

The metal claws retracted quickly, accompanied by a pained grunt from their owner. Only when the discomfort cleared from his eyes did he notice her hand was extended.

“What are you doing?” He asked her, smiling.

“Give me your hand, you ass.” She replied with a smirk and looked at him with her steady blue eyes.

“You must have really liked that hand trick, huh? Want to see what I can do with the rest of my body?” He asked, clearly joking. He lingered for a while before he finally reached out and grabbed her hand firmly. “Not exactly the body part I was hoping for, but-“

He didn’t even get to finish the sentence when suddenly he would feel a very pronounced, pleasurable tingling sensation race up his arm and spread out over his whole body. He would also see as he looked into her eyes a lot of the detail had gone out of them and they seemed to be lighter, perhaps even glowing a little.

“What the fuck..” he said, letting go of her hand with impressive speed and jumping slightly away from her. His hands went to his chest and then moved quickly over his body like he was checking himself. “What was that?”

“What, don’t like it when someone makes you tingle?” She asked and flexed her hand, her eyes returning back to normal. She didn’t take offense to his reaction, but she did find it odd considering.

“No, I just didn’t know what you were doing to me. I thought electricity girl might pack more punch than that and I was about to learn some fucked up lesson.” He said, calming and his smile returning. “Actually, that felt kind of good.”

He extended his hand again, stepping closer.

“Do it again.”

“If you think I couldn’t toast you like a bagel, you’d be very mistaken.” Eisa chuckled but humored him, taking his hand again and the tingling sensation returned nearly immediately. “Twenty years of practice has given me a lot of control.”

“Maybe that’s exactly the sort of sick shit I’m into.” He said and chuckled as the currents flowed through his body. It really did feel quite good, and his left hand moved in front of him to hide the beginnings of his own change. Grinning at her, he vibrated their hands fast enough to shake her arm up to her chest and then let go. “Wanna feel how sharp my blades are next?”

Eisa couldn’t help but grin at the feeling of the vibration and brought her free hand to cover her chest as it shook slightly. When he released her hand, she let it drop back down to her side. “Well if they are that sharp, I’m not sure I should be touching them, hm? And it may be better to not endanger the hotel room since I’m sure they’d charge me for it.”

“I’m sure you could shock-off the manager for him to look the other way.” He said with a laugh. “You know, you might not be so bad after all. At least I know you’re good at something, huh?”

“Gross. I thought you were supposed to be the nice one.” She put her hands on her hips and eyed him, but was still clearly amiable and not offended.

“Who the fuck told you that?” He asked, smiling. “They PAY me to be nice to you. Everyone else will do it for free.”

“Ohhh right. My mistake.” She rolled her shoulders and looked outside the window. “Where do I go buy cheap clothes around here? Do you have like a thrift store?”

“See, stop playing modest. You want me to spend my day showing you around, don’t you.?” He said, biting his lip and grinning along with his joke. “You want all my attention. Fine. I’ll go get my car while you powder your nose, and then we can go replace those blue panties you’re wearing.”

“No no no, I don’t need some guy with me being nosy about my bra and panties. Just point the way and I’ll take care of it.” She replied while drifting closer to the window and looking out.

“Jeez, fine. Be that way.” He said, shaking his head. “There’s a shop down the street that has casual clothes and souvenirs. That should be a good start but don’t complain to me when you need someone with a good eye to tell you if the pants make your ass look big. I’ll be busy doing other more interesting things.”

“Sure you will.” Eisa looked back at him with a slight smirk, wondering if he was actually a little sad he wasn’t going to be going with her, but she doubted it. Men didn’t like this kind of thing. “Well, I’m going to go do that now, so get out of my room.”

“Okay, fuck you.” He said, throwing up a peace sign and heading for the door. “Hit me up if you need something.”

“Bye, angel.” She called after him as he stepped out. Once she was alone in the room, she just stood there and closed her eyes. This whole thing was a lot. The thought of living in a cult was… off putting to say the least. She had strong feelings about the whole concept, but in the end what she was surrounded by was mutants like her; every single one of them. More than that, it seemed safe, and in the end she really just wanted to rest for a while. She wanted to feel safe and not like she constantly had to watch her back.

Maybe she would here too. Maybe she wouldn’t stay, but for now, this was as good a place as any.



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