Tiberius Ignatius

Name Tiberius Ignatius

Position Latin & German Teacher

Character Information

Gender Male
Codename Promatheus
Powers Super Strength & Durability, Extended life-Span, Healing Fire
Mutant Level Alpha
Power Description Super Strength- can lift and throw a 60 ton marble pillar.

Super Durability- most basic blunt weapons or objects have little effect on him. Slashing would need to be sharp, as bullets pierce no problem but slow down faster, making him mostly resistance to low calibers and medium calibers will stop within the thicker parts of his body. High caliber will still hurt. Does not help against elemental or magic type of damage.

Extended life-span- ages at about 1/10 the speed of a normal human. after his power manifested. while he is over 100, he doesn't look to be over 30.

Healing Fire- can summon fire that when pressed upon a person at touch will engulf them in flames. They are not hot and take on a red, rose color. Slowly healing wounds on the person. Can not heal the dead.
Mutant Registration Status Registered Entity
Age 134(28)
Birthdate 70BC

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 253LB
Hair Color red, brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description A tall Caucasian muscular man, well defined features with medium straight with a slight wave, red-brown hair with Medium thin beard.


Parents N/A farmers
Sibling(s) had three siblings, all three died before he was forced through time.

Personality & Traits

General Overview His a little rough around the edge, overly protective of whoever he sees as his charge. He does smoke a bit, specifically an expensive Italian brand, and does like a good glass of wine, also expensive brand that's as close to roman wine as he could get. Doesn't take insults easy, as he is proud. Not one to walk away from a fair challenge.
Strengths & Weaknesses He has a tactical mind and trained in with many weapons and styles during his time as a soldier and Prehistorian, heavily resistant to most physical attacks but high caliber piercing can get through it as well as elemental or magical damage easily harms him.
Ambitions To find a way home to save his first and true charge, Julius Ceasar/ find out why he cannot travel in time anymore after the initial trip.
Hobbies & Interests Westling, sports, symposium.

Personal History Tiberius Ignatius was born in a small village around Rome. Born normal farmers, that was what was thought to be his life. Tiberius wanted more, he wanted to be more, to do more. So when he was 14 he set off to join the Roman legions. He trained hard and fought harder. During his second year within the army, at the age of 16 his mutant powers started to manifest. He quickly out preformed every other soldier no matter the experience. He Showed to have a keen mind for combat, strategy and warfare as a whole. He proved himself time and time again being rewarded at the age of The name Promatheus. He would serve Rome loyally being made one of their finest generals personal guard. When Julies Caeser became Emperor, Promatheus was made his chief Praetorian.

Before the plot to assassinate Caeser could be done, Promatheus must be removed, so the plotters had a witch of their own, a chronomancer remove him from time and fling him the year 1908. Promatheus now in the future had a hard time adjusting at first but his mastery over Greek and Latin, got him a good foothold to learn what had happen. He spent the years trying to find a way home to save his charge from his fate. Making money by selling what artifacts he had on him, Westling and other odd jobs.

He was eventually recruited to world war 1 which he started to pick up two new languages, German and English. He fought hard but it was a losing war till Italy dropped out of the war.

Promatheus following the years moved to America, as a lead he had to get back was in the grand city of New York. Promatheus found the idea of a country Senate kind of refreshing and familiar. Years within America doing more or less the same, odd job, wrestling, factory work, until Would War 2. This time Promatheus was on the side of the United States helping push as D-day, and other major battles. It was not till sometime after this in 1988 when Promatheus found another Chronomancer, and better yet, they were willing to help. But when the portal was opened Promatheus was unable to walk though, as if time itself refused him to pass.

The realization something else held him back put Promatheus in a slump of a kind. He was unable to go back, and he didn't know why. This is when he picked up his habit of smoking, and he took less pleasure in everyday things. It was not until he was approached about a school, to help others with gift. At first, he turned it down but after some convincing he joined up with the school.