Emilio Delgado

Name Emilio Emanuel Delgado

Position Junior

Character Information

Gender Male
Powers Pressure Manipulation
Mutant Level Alpha
Power Description Pressure Manipulation: Emilio possesses the ability to manipulate pressure, allowing him to crush objects and people with his hands. He is able to crush metal doors and cause people to implode by moving his fingers.

Superhuman Durability: Emilio possesses superhuman durability, making him more durable than other mutants. He can endure gunshots and other serious assaults while remaining completely unharmed.
Mutant Registration Status Registered Entity
Age 17
Birthdate August 14, 1999

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 170 Lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Emilio possesses a strong and athletic build, standing at approximately 5'11" (180 cm) with a well-defined muscular physique. His naturally dark, captivating eyes hold an air of mystery and depth, drawing people in with their intense gaze. His thick, dark eyebrows frame his eyes, accentuating their intensity. Emilio's face is adorned with sharp, chiseled features, including a strong jawline, often lined with stubble. His full, expressive lips often sport a charismatic smile that effortlessly captivates those around him. His hair is styled in a fashionable manner, often characterized by a carefully crafted haircut that enhances his handsome features. It may be dark and lustrous, styled with precision or left slightly tousled.


Parents Gabriel & Dalia Delgado
Sibling(s) Miguel, Juan, Andres, and Mateo

Personality & Traits

General Overview Emilio is an analytical and introspective thinker. He possesses a keen intellect and a natural curiosity about the world around him. Emilio is highly introspective, often engaging in deep contemplation and reflection on various subjects. Because of the physical nature of his powerset, Emilio has pushed himself physically in the gym. By building a strong and muscular physique, he aims to create harmony between his external appearance and the power he possesses. Despite the potentially deadly implications of his abilities, he is a kind and gentle young man.

Timeline 1999 - Born in San Antonio, Texas

2010 - Emilio's powers manifest

2014 - Starts at Red Rock Academy for the Gifted