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Sat Jun 15th, 2024 @ 8:30pm

McKenna Lockhart

Name McKenna Jessica Lockhart

Position Senior

Character Information

Gender Female
Codename Aurora
Powers Gravity Manipulation
Mutant Level Alpha
Power Description Gravity Manipulation - She can manipulate gravitational forces to alter the weight, movement, and trajectory of objects and individuals. This power grants her the ability to create micro-gravitational fields, enabling her to levitate, enhance her agility, and control the gravitational pull on herself and others.
Mutant Registration Status Registered Entity
Age 17
Birthdate March 5, 1999

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 135 Lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Cool Blue
Physical Description Standing at a slightly above-average height with a shapely yet athletic frame, McKenna possesses a captivating physical presence. She is in great physical condition, but has maintained the feminine softness that makes men’s eyes turn involuntarily in her direction. Her lustrous blonde locks cascade down in gentle waves, but are cut off at her shoulders, framing a face that radiates a timeless beauty. Her cool blue eyes, reminiscent of glacial waters, hold an enigmatic allure, drawing others into their depths. With a graceful poise and an easy smile, McKenna exudes an air of pleasant friendliness.

With a lilting West Texas accent, McKenna's voice carries warmth and friendliness that reflect her upbringing. She prefers lotions and perfumes with scents of vanilla and summer flowers, aligning with her desire to create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere around her. McKenna is attentive to aesthetics to a fault and is always sure to look and smell her best.


Parents Senator Morgan Lockhart & Elizabeth Walsh
Sibling(s) Patrick and Carmen Lockhart (Twins)
Heidi Lockhart (Half-Sister)
Other Family Fred & Diane Walsh (Maternal Grandparents)

Personality & Traits

General Overview McKenna is a sociable young woman whose confident and warm nature draws others towards her. With her Southern charm and a presence that commands attention, she possesses an innate ability to uplift those around her, bringing light and positivity to any situation. Yet, despite her outward confidence, McKenna struggles with an internal belief that she must be perfect in order to be worthy of love and acceptance. This self-imposed pressure can push her to exceed her limits and neglect her own well-being. Her fear of abandonment, stemming from her father's recurrent absence and and emotional abuse, complicates most aspects of her life. She is agreeable and self-sacrificing to a fault and is, therefore, very vulnerable to being taken advantage of.

Beyond her schooling, McKenna finds solace in engaging in sports like volleyball, tennis, and horseback riding, where she can channel her energy and embrace her love for movement and athleticism. She has had a storied history of unsuccessful relationships and is prone to accepting abuse from people with strong personalities, especially when she’s fallen for them.

Personal History McKenna Jennifer Lockhart was born in the vibrant city of Tucson to Morgan and Elizabeth Lockhart. Her father, an ambitious student and aspiring politician, held great promise for the future; he was intensely interested in her and spent lots of time with her. As a young child, McKenna possessed a lively and talkative nature and was rather on the chubby side, a fact that would later be a source of embarrassment for her. At the tender age of four, McKenna's world was forever changed when her parents welcomed twins, Patrick and Carmen, into the family. The addition of her siblings brought both joy and adjustment to her life. The stress of three children exhausted her mother and caused conflict in her marriage. Her father’s work took more and more of his time until he was barely coming home before the wee hours of the morning. Morgan’s election to Congress marked a turning point that would fracture the Lockhart family.

Tragically, as McKenna turned eight, her parents' marriage dissolved, and her father chose to abandon the family. The devastating blow of his departure left a profound impact on McKenna, her mother, and her siblings. In search of solace and support, they sought refuge with Elizabeth's parents at the Walsh Family Ranch, nestled just outside the vibrant city of Odessa, Texas. While the Walshes were blessed with vast wealth and a sprawling ranch, McKenna found it difficult to escape the emotional turmoil caused by her father's abandonment. Her mind was preoccupied with questions of why he left and the lasting effects of his absence. Despite the luxury and resources surrounding her, McKenna longed for the love and stability that had been shattered. It was within the idyllic yet complex setting of the Walsh Family Ranch that McKenna's journey would begin, laying the foundation for the woman she would become. As she grappled with the wounds of her father's abandonment, McKenna would soon discover her own resilience and her even greater vulnerability.

During McKenna's formative years, her father's abandonment weighed heavily on her young shoulders, causing her to internalize guilt and self-blame. In the months following their separation, her attempts to reach out to him went unanswered, intensifying her sense of responsibility for his departure. At the tender age of ten, McKenna made several visits to her father in New Orleans, hoping to mend their fractured relationship. It was during one of these encounters that he shared a narrative of her mother pushing him away, which planted a seed of resentment towards Elizabeth within McKenna's heart. Though quietly blaming herself, the resentment towards her mother grew, shrouding her relationships in a tangled web of conflicting emotions. As time went on, McKenna's father remarried and started a new family, leaving her longing for his attention and acceptance. Communication dwindled to a complete halt, and McKenna's only glimpses of her father were through brief sightings on news channels, a stark reminder of their fractured bond.

Within the school environment, McKenna faced the cruel taunts of her peers, particularly the boys who targeted her weight. In her desperate search for answers and validation, she arrived at a heartbreaking conclusion: her perceived lack of attractiveness might have been the catalyst for her father's abandonment. Determined to change her appearance and prove her worth, she implored her mother to let her join the volleyball team. With unwavering dedication, McKenna poured her heart into practice, striving to excel both on the court and in her physical transformation.

By the time she reached the age of fourteen, the results of her hard work began to manifest. Shedding the weight that had burdened her, McKenna blossomed physically and found herself flourishing in both volleyball and horseback riding. Her achievements in these pursuits garnered attention, not only from her father, who suddenly reappeared in her life, showering her with affection and inviting her to stay with him, but also from her male peers at school who started to notice her allure. As her father capitalized on her yearning for his love, McKenna's relationship with her mother grew increasingly tense, entangled in the web of manipulation and emotional upheaval.

As McKenna entered her teenage years, she found herself thrust into the spotlight of popularity. The attention she garnered from boys was overwhelming, and her deep-seated desire for love led her to chase after any young man who even remotely resembled her father. Yearning for approval from her father, mother, and grandparents, she threw herself into her studies, excelling academically. However, once her homework was complete, she would often seek validation and acceptance from her friends, spending evenings away from the ranch, indulging in activities that would earn her their admiration, particularly from boys she held an interest in.

Despite the turmoil within her personal life, McKenna maintained an outward façade of kindness and positivity, skillfully concealing her true struggles from those around her. Her desire to please and be loved by her fractured family fueled her relentless pursuit of success. Amidst this turmoil, McKenna found solace and support in her boyfriend, Charlie. Although their relationship was far from healthy, marked by physical and emotional abuse, he served as her motivation to persevere in school and sports. Despite the toxicity, McKenna clung to the sliver of love and stability he provided during what was to come next.

The manifestation of her abilities was intertwined with the physical changes her body underwent during this transformative period. At the age of sixteen, McKenna experienced a sudden surge of power, coinciding with the development of her figure. It was during an intense argument with her mother, fueled by the deep-rooted frustrations and feelings of abandonment, that her powers burst forth. In a moment of heightened emotions, her control over gravity materialized in a startling display. Objects levitated and swirled around her, subject to the gravitational force she suddenly commanded. It was as if the weight of her inner turmoil was lifted, replaced by an extraordinary ability to manipulate the fundamental forces of nature. This awe-inspiring manifestation served as a turning point in McKenna's life, forever altering her perception of herself and the world around her. Yet, amidst the wonder and marvel of her newfound powers, she also experienced a profound sense of isolation and confusion. She grappled with the realization that her uniqueness as a mutant set her apart from others, further accentuating her fear of rejection and alienation. Her relationship with her mother had reached a boiling point and this didn’t make it any easier. In a desperate attempt at changing her situation, she begged her father to let her live with him instead. When he witnessed her mutant abilities firsthand, her father's response was one of rejection and disgust. He cruelly labeled her a "mutant freak" and demanded that she receive a special education away from "normal" kids. At the beginning of her sophomore year, he enrolled her in Red Rock Academy for the Gifted, using his status as a US Senator and a substantial donation to get himself on the Academy's Board of Governors.
Timeline 1999 - Born in Tucson, Arizona

2007 - Moved to West Texas with her mother

2013 - McKenna's father becomes a US Senator; she moves to live with him in Tucson

2010 - McKenna starts at BASIS Oro Valley Charter School in Tucson

2015 - McKenna's powers manifest and she's transferred to Red Rock Academy for her Sophomore year