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Rebecca McMillen

Name Rebecca McMillen

Position Dean of Students

Character Information

Gender Female
Codename Critter
Powers Shrinking, Rodent Telepathy, Rat Anatomy
Mutant Level Beta
Power Description Rebecca can shrink to the size of a mouse (Roughly 2 inches). She can communicate with and control mice and rats as casually as speaking. She has higher than normal range of hearing so that she can hear the squeaks of mice and rats. They regard her as non-threatening.

She has olympic class athleticism, excelling in balance and climbing. She has obvious physical mutations such as her feet and an actual tail.

Rebecca's senses of hearing, smell, and taste are stronger than baseline human.
Mutant Registration Status Registered Entity
Age 28
Birthdate June 2nd, 1988

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 140lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue-Green
Physical Description A beautiful woman in her mid 20's, with somewhat mousey features, some more literal than others. Her feet are closer to mouse paws then actual feet, bearing elongated digits with vestigial claws, while a thin mouse-like tail swings behind her. To this end, she's almost never barefoot outside of the manor, and she's gotten very skilled at concealing her tail. Human looking enough, and easy to conceal when needed.


Spouse None
Children None
Parents Rowan and Palma McMillen
Sibling(s) Jillian (Younger Sister)
Marcie (Older Sister)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rebecca is a passionate, outspoken, and downright personable member of the faculty. She wants to help, and be helpful, and generally is there when a friend is in need. However, she has a certain preference for her 'own kind'. She's not a full on supremacist or anything of the note. She's simply more comfortable around mutants than humans. A life spent running from her problems and living alone has taught her to be clever, but her first instinct to when the going gets tough is still to look for a way out. Of late, Rebecca has found that humans treat her terrible, and mutants treat her better. She's a personality on Tik Tok and Twitch, reaching her viewers through the lens of a camera. She's also a bit of a gamer girl, so if you get shot in the head and the comment is "Want some cheese with that whine?" it was probably her.
Strengths & Weaknesses Rebecca is not skilled or brave in the face of combat. Surviving trauma is not something one forgets quickly, though she is making progress. Her open and friendly personality help sooth over troubled issues, and she tries to find the middle ground in conflicts.

Though, if push comes to shove, she's not a combatant. Her powers and skills revolve around a hasty, stealthy withdraw.

It's those same skills and powers that allow her to excel in the field when stealth and subterfuge are involved. You'd be surprised how many rats there are...

The other issue Rebecca has is her family. They may be looking for her on account of her having ran away.

Rebecca is also her own worst enemy. She's somewhat impulsive and her budding dislike for humans is starting to show.
Ambitions To get over her trauma, to confront her family and tell them where to go and how to get there. To stand tall and proud of who she is, and what she is. To expand her powers and learn the full extent of what she can do.
Hobbies & Interests Rebecca enjoys painting and drawing in her free time, as well as the occasional obstacle course. She's an avid reader, especially when the book is a cheesy romance thriller. She enjoys scary movies, but she'll never ADMIT that she likes scary movies.

She's also an avid gamer and a personality on Twitch media. She's discovered TikTok for short form videos, and no one is shorter than her!

Personal History Rebecca is the middle child of three from a well to do household in New York City. Her father worked construction, while her mother was able to stay at home with the three sisters. Things went well, until Rebecca reached the age of thirteen and her powers came to light. At first the other two sisters were worried that they were next, but they never received any form of mutation. What they got instead, was a new toy.
Rebecca was endlessly teased and tormented by her sisters, often resigned to spending the night in a mouse cage like a pet. Her mother would scold her if she didn't play along, and insisted that spending time with her siblings was 'fine' no matter how it was. When she was seventeen, she finally had enough and ran away. Life on the street was no easier than life in a cage. She bounced from region to region, sometimes dodging the police when she had to. Her attitude wasn't the best, as a girl on the run, but she only had other homeless mutants for her friends on her trek around.

Before long, she heard of the Red Rock academy, and the promise it offered. Understanding, Safety, and Freedom.