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Tue May 28th, 2024 @ 8:10pm

Dr. Winston Sinclair

Name Winston Allen Sinclair

Position Headmaster & CEO

Rank Dr.

Character Information

Gender Male
Codename The Confessor
Powers Sin-Reading, Telepathic Influence
Mutant Level Alpha
Power Description Telepathic Sin-Reading (3*) - Telepathic ability to read a person’s mind to see the bad things they’ve done in the past. Also links closely to any trauma or misfortune they feel responsible for. Has a range of up to 50 feet, but can be amplified with technology.
Telepathic Influence (3*) - Telepathic ability to influence a person’s thoughts and feelings. Can make others experience any emotion and can introduce thoughts into other people’s minds. Cannot control other people’s decisions or force them to act in a certain way. Has a range of 500 feet, but can be amplified with technology.
Mutant Registration Status Registered Entity
Age 85
Birthdate January 3, 1931

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 230 LBS
Hair Color Gray
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description A large man of average height, Dr. Sinclair has a friendly face, a round belly, and an impressive booming voice. He used to be taller and quite strong, but age has come for his once powerful features.


Spouse Martha Sinclair - Deceased
Children Son : Cornelius Sinclair - 51

Daughter: Nina Sinclair Anderson - 48
Parents Clifford Gary (Deceased) & Mona Sinclair (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dr. Sinclair, also known as The Confessor, possesses a unique blend of intellectual prowess and empathetic insight. As a highly educated intellectual, he navigates the complexities of the world around him with his keen, analytical mind, constantly seeking to understand the underlying motivations that drive other people. Despite his curious and sometimes cynical mind, he managed to stay quite buoyant and emotionally intelligent.

With his telepathic abilities, he tells into the darkest recesses of people's minds, witnessing the sins they’ve committed and understanding the implications surrounding them. This power weighs heavily on him, but he always tries to use his abilities and the knowledge they win for him for good instead of self gain, and teaches others to do the same with theirs. His passion is in helping others to find the truth that remains hidden in them, and to help them overcome the traumas and mistakes of their past.

Personal History Winston Allen Garry was born in Los Angeles California to an aspiring actress named Mona Sinclair and her lover, a casino manager named Clifford Gary in 1931. He was a source of shame for his mother, who had a difficult time managing her wild lifestyle while raising a child. When he was just five years old, Mona sent him to live with her parents in her hometown of London. Describing her connection with her son as “disinterested” would be an understatement, and Winston wouldn’t see his mother again until he was nine years old. His father was completely unknown to him.

Winston’s grandparents were independently wealthy and his grandfather was a long-standing member of Parliament. They took good care of him and put him in the best schools. When he was eight years old, World War 2 started and they sent him to live with his mother for the duration of Hitler’s bombing of London. By then, his mother had broken into Hollywood and was often absent from the home, leaving him with her live-in maid, Rita. When he was 10, he moved back to London and when he was 13, his grandparents enrolled him at Eton College where he would learn the art of English culture in a classical environment.

While at Eton, his powers started to manifest for the first time, and Winston began to read the sins and traumas of the boys around him. He kept his abilities a secret for a while, but after boys started to befriend and confide in him, he shared the secret with a few select, trusted friends. During this time, Winston also became a devout young Catholic and attended daily mass whenever possible. Eventually, he decided he wished to seek ordination as a priest, and when he approached 18, he applied for St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore.

Being in seminary made the culture shock of moving back to America a bit easier to handle, and Winston took to the parts of the school’s regime having to do with conversation and study very quickly. The more meditative parts, however, he struggled with. Still, he likely would have pressed on with his calling had his number not come up for the draft. He departed from Seminary at 19 to join the US Army in the Korean War.

During his three years in Korea, Winston worked at a Military Hospital for soldiers brought back from the front lines. His unique abilities and history in the faith made him an effective counselor from traumatized soldiers, particularly those who had done things they couldn’t forgive themselves for. He fell in love with studying the human mind and the art of forgiveness. He was so taken by the close bonds he made with soldiers that he returned to the States after the war to serve as a Trauma Counselor at a Veterans Hospital in Madison, Mississippi. After several years, he decided to pursue his doctorate in psychology, and enrolled at the University of Mississippi.

While at UM, he met a nurse named Martha Oliver and they were married. The year he graduated with a Bachelors in Biology, he and his wife moved to New Haven, Connecticut to continue his studies at Yale. They had two children: a boy named Cornelius and a girl named Nina. During this time, he also spoke regularly with his mother, who had become a successful actress.

After receiving his Ph.D, Winston accepted a research position at Cambridge and moved back to England with his family. While teaching at the university and conducting research into mutant criminal behavior, Winston took care of his aging grandparents. When they died, he inherited their substantial wealth. When he was old enough, Cornelius went to Eton, following in his father’s footsteps.

In the early 80s, Winston was contacted by the American Central Intelligence Agency and offered a contract to work with them for a four year term. They were interested in his abilities and his knowledge of criminal psychology. Leaving his family back in London, he moved to Washington D.C. where he worked as an interrogator, probing the minds of convicted and suspected terrorists for information and trying to find out what attacks might happen in the future. Four years later, his term was extended. Then, in the late 80s he moved to the State Department, where he assisted them with diplomatic negotiations. During this time, his wife died of cancer.

Finally, in 1992, the designated Deputy Secretary of Education for Mutant Engagement approached him before taking up office in the new Presidential Administration. He explained the increased need for mutant children to have places where they can be educated without the distractions of other non-mutant children and to be taught to use their powers. She offered him funds to start such a school, considering he was highly educated, an experienced teacher, and learned in the ways of human psychology. After some serious deliberation, he accepted her offer, but insisted he would use his own money. Besides having been very successful himself, financially, he had inherited the collective wealth of his famous mother and his grandparents.

He made a purchase on a piece of property in the mountains of Sedona and then moved there to set up the school. Red Rock Academy for the Gifted thrived, and after new funding in the early 2000s from the Department of Mutant Affairs, boys and girls dorms were built on the property, an underground complex was built under the original estate, and the student count was expanded to one hundred.
Timeline 1931 - Born in Las Angeles, California to Clifford Garry and Mona Sinclair
1936 - Sent to London to live with his Maternal Grandparents
1941 - Last name changed from Gary to Sinclair
1944-1949 - Attends Eton College in London
1949-1950 - Attends St Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore, Maryland
1950-1953 - Drafted for the Korean War
1953-1955 - Trauma Counselor, Veterans Hospital, Madison, Mississippi
1958-1962 - Attended University of Mississippi
1962 - Married Martha Oliver
1962-1967 - Attended Yale University
1965 - Cornelius Born
1968 - Nina Born
1968-1981 - Clinical Psychologist & Professor, Cambridge University
1981-1989 - CIA Interrogator, Washington D.C.
1989- Martha dies of cancer
1989-1992 - State Department Negotiator, Washington D.C.
1992-Present - Headmaster & CEO, Red Rock Academy for the Gifted